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The Muppets
Walter, Gary and Mary visit The Muppets Studios

Walter, Gary and Mary visit The Muppets Studios

Walter: Hey, don't forget to send me a postcard from The Muppets studios.

Gary: Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I can't do that Walter.

But Gary...

Because... you're coming with us!

Oh Gary! But what about Mary?

She's fine. She said the more, the merrier.

I don't know what to say! The Muppets studios are there Gary. I can't believe this.

Better get a move on. We don't wanna miss that bus.

No way. Who knows, maybe Kermit will be there.

I wouldn't get your hopes up buddy. The Muppets haven't put on a show together in years. I don't think they use the studios for anything but tours anymore.

I think that's just an internet rumor. Like there's a country called Turkey.

burnsting burnsting




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