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Transformers: Dark of the Moon
We are not alone after all, are we? Transformers 3

We are not alone after all, are we? Transformers 3

July 20th 1969. A generation's greatest achievement. Our nation's proudest moment.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

A secret hidden for 40 years.

Ready to go? We now have had confirmation, we lost some signal from Apollo 11. Apollo 11 is on the far side of the moon. Neil, you're dark on the rock.

Mission is a go. You have 21 minutes. O my god! The hole has been breached. Extensive damage. No sign of life or movement control. Take photos and samples and take them save home. You can not believe what we're seeing.

We are not alone after all, are we? No sir. We're not alone.

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon

burnsting burnsting




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