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Tower Heist
Well, now we're undefeatable aren't we? Tower Heist

Well, now we're undefeatable aren't we? Tower Heist

Look at us. We're basically waiters. That's what we do. We bring people stuff. We don't take things.

You and I know the movements of every person. We know the schedules, deliveries and codes for every door and window. We've been casing the place for over a decade and we just didn't know it.

We didn't know it, because we weren't doing it.

Come on man. I need you.

Yeah, you need me, because you've got these idiots.

You think we're getting our money back? You think Lester is getting his money? I talked to the FBI, it's gone.

So all this is about getting it back for Lester?

Yes, and Rose, and Miss Iovenko and Manuel. And you, you jerk, come on! Let's storm the castle together.

Oh, like they wen't after Frankenstein!

No, it's a different kind of storming. It's the storming where the peasants take everything back, you know. From like the Feudal Lords and ...

I'm in. I'm in. I'm in.

Well, now we're undefeatable aren't we?

burnsting burnsting




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