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The Place Beyond the Pines
What about my mom? She can come. What about Kofi? He can stay. The Place Beyond the Pines

What about my mom? She can come. What about Kofi? He can stay. The Place Beyond the Pines

Clip from The Place Beyond the Pines with Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes at the diner.

Ryan Gosling: You want a house? I'll get you a house. You want to get the fuck out of here? We'll get out of here. I got that trailer. I'll get a truck. We'll hit the road.

You pick a place you like, we'll stop. You don't want to be there, fuck you, we're out of there.

Eva Mendes: What about my mom?

She can come.

What about Kofi?

He can stay. He can get his own girl and his own kid. That's every man's right.

Sounds like a nice dream.

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