Why are you talking so slow? Our Idiot Brother
Ned, you always had the most gorgeous rhubarbs. Well, it's really Nelson's poo that gives it that glow. My dog, Willie Nelson. Listen, you wouldn't happen to know where I could get some... Even if I did, you really think I'd tell you? It's been a hard week. O, yeah? Yeah. Here you go officer. Hey, thanks man. Wow. You're under arrest. Really.
Willie Nelson didn't do anything!
I am your parole officer. Why are you talking so slow? I just figured, that since you sold to a uniformed police officer, that you must be stupid. Yeah, I get that a lot.
Every family has an idiot.
Ned just showed up. I can't just kick him out. He's family. Well, I got to get back to work on the tomion. The what? The tomion. It's a cross-pollination between a tomato and union. Well, think of the time it'll save when you're making spaghetti sauce.
I love my brother. But still, he doesn't live in the adult world. Check it out. Tell me about uncle Ned. He just got out of jail. In Japan, for protesting about whales. I thought you said he sold joints to a policeman.
I'm back living with my mom. Man, I screwed it up with my sisters. Our idiot bother just ruined my life. What's wrong with you? I try and do good, but it doesn't always work out.