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Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Will has to say goodbye to Caesar. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Will has to say goodbye to Caesar. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

A brilliant young scientist Will, played by James Franco, saves Caesar from the lab. And along with a primatologist Caroline, played by Freida Pinto, raised him to adulthood. Now Will and Caroline have been forced to give Caesar up. And take him to what they believe to be a nurturing environment. A primate facility run by its owner, Brian Cox. Saying goodbye proves to be very difficult.

It's okay. Go on. He hasn't spent any time with other chimps. Oh, we're uses to that. He'll be a little skittish at first, but we'll integrate him. You'll probably miss him more than he'll miss you. You'll be surprised how quickly they adapt. We provide a stimulating environment. He's gonna thrive here.

Caesar. It's gonna be ok. Everything is gonna be ok. You're gonna stay here now. No. We're not going home right now.

In my experience, the longer you drag out goodbyes, the harder it is.

burnsting burnsting




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