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Transformers: Dark of the Moon
With or without you I'll find her. Sam in Transformers 3

With or without you I'll find her. Sam in Transformers 3

We came here to find her in the middle of all that? Hey, are we really going out there Epps? I'm not going in there. No one's going in.

I am. With or without you I'll find her.

You're gonna get yourself killed Sam. Is that what you want? Is that what you want? You got all the way out here to get yourself killed? Listen to what I'm saying.

She's here because of me, do you understand?

Listen. If you go in this building, that's if she's even still alive, there's no way you going to be able to reach her.

What do you suggest I do?

It's over. I'm sorry, but it's over.

burnsting burnsting




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