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Raging Bull
You Never Got Me Down Ray - Jake La Motta in Raging Bull

You Never Got Me Down Ray - Jake La Motta in Raging Bull

Now the next time that friendly bartender says: what'll you have? Give him that answer the whole world gives: Pabst Blue Ribbon.

Those punches by La Motta explain themselves. They fought five times between 1942 and 1945 and have so far been a blazing bout for the Middleweight Championship.

In that great action by La Motta he couldn't score the big one.

Joey (Joe Pesci): That was it. That was the last shot.

Round number 13, the hard-luck number. There's the buzzer. And I think you know both the boys

Robinson hurting La Motta. He's hurting him now!

He has La Motta on queer street, holding on!

Well, certainly, that was one of the most damaging evidences of punching that you have seen in recent years.

Jake La Motta (Robert De Niro): Come on! Come on. Come on, come on... What are you standin' there for?

Robinson, apparently tired. Punched with a fare thee well and rocked Jake La Motta right to his heels.

La Motta: Come on, Ray, come on.

Slow motion starts. Robinson is hitting La Motta several times. He keeps punching. La Motta is bleeding all over.

How he can survive them nobody knows. No man can endure this pummeling.

burnsting burnsting




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