Walton Goggins Talks His Villain in the Alcia Vikander-Starring Reboot of 'Tomb Raider'
Walton Goggins is considered an actor of high caliber, and recently we found out he's been cast as the villain in Tomb Raider, the upcoming reboot which stars Alicia Vikander as the iconic Lara Croft. Now, Goggins has given a little insight into what makes his villain tick, and what we can expect in the new film.
"I’m just so excited about it! I’m such a big fan of Alicia and this director, Roar [Uthaug]. Quite honestly, the script feels like it’s already been in the world, in some ways. The structure and the foundation of this story is so solid and so interesting. It’s so unbelievably entertaining, and yet it’s real in the journey that it takes you on. And this person that I get to play is confused and angry and desperate. I’m just looking forward to getting in his head. I’m really, really, really excited about it.
"... Tomb Raider is an incredible opportunity. People have only seen the first season of Vice Principals, but when you see where the show goes, there’s so much more than whether or not those are bad guys. That’s what I’m interested in playing, regardless of what side he’s on. I’ve had some opportunities lately to play the hero, and they just haven’t been about the right thing. They haven’t spoken to me, in that way. But Six certainly did, and Three Christs did, and lord knows that Tomb Raider did."
On taking the role, he called Alicia one of "the greatest actors of any generation, let alone her own," was adamant that director Roar Uthaug had deeply impressed him. "...I saw Roar's movie The Wave last year, and I wanted to meet that filmmaker.
"And then, it was the script. It always starts with the story for me. I couldn’t believe I was reading what I was reading. I couldn’t believe that it continued in this way, and the ball was never really dropped. It was the combination of those three things. I understand why Alicia signed on for it. Those things don’t happen every day. And then, you go forward and you just try not to be result-oriented and you try to do the best job you can possibly do, before you move on to the next one. It’s a good life! I’m just grateful to be a small part of that life."
Tomb Raider is slated for March 16, 2018. It could turn out to be the first good video game adaptation, though we can't predict that on the cast alone. Look at Assassin's Creed.
Source: Collider