Warner Bros. puts Geoff Johns in Charge of the DC Extended Universe
In the wake of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the reception for which needs no introduction, Warner Bros. looks to right the ship with a big change.
Former Chief Creative Officer of DC Entertainment Geoff Johns has been put in charge, overseeing the new DC film universe alongside Warner Bros. Executive VP Jon Berg.
THR is citing multiple sources confirming the placement of a mastermind at the head of the extended universe, with Johns in a position not unlike Kevin Feige's at Marvel. It certainly won't come as a shock to comic book fans. Johns is a household name and goes from comic book writer to something of a godfather to the big screen world.
Suicide Squad opens August 5, Wonder Woman follows on June 2 next year, before Justice League: Part One tries to make amends in the eyes of the world for Batman v Superman's apparent shortcomings.
Source: Screenrant