The Annie Award, Animation's Highest Honour, is an American award for accomplishments in animation. The Annies have been presented by the Los Angeles branch of the International Animated Film Association, ASIFA-Hollywood since 1972. Originally designed to celebrate lifetime or career contributions to animation, since 1992 it has given awards to individual films.
- LightsCameraJackson
'Wolfs' Review
- LightsCameraJackson
'Transformers One' Review
- LightsCameraJackson
'The Critic' Review
'Alien: Romulus' Trailer
'Despicable Me 4' Trailer
'Despicable Me 4' Big Mouth Poster
'A Quiet Place: Day One' Trailer
Deadpool & Wolverine - He's not coming alone
Deadpool & Wolverine - The Last Final Trailer