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DC Comics 'Scalped' Heading to WGN

WGN Acquired DC Comics Native America Series 'Scalped'

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell WGN America has been boosting its original programming of late, with drama's Salem and Outsiders. Having cancelled nuclear (and critically popular) drama Manhattan, it's looking to build with the acquisition of DC Comic Scalped.

Scalped was a 60-issue comic written by Jason Aaron, to be executive produced by DC chief creative officer Geoff Johns alongside Doug Jung, whose also writing. THR notes, significantly, that WGN is looking to feature an all Native American cast. This comes in the wake of diversity issues seeping through the cracks of the entertainment industry, and would be the first of its kind.

Whether WGN will maintain its focus on casting an entirely Native American cast remains to be seen, but here's hoping that it can truly start to make headway, given that these things often include a lot of talk and little action actually done toward improvement.

Source: Collider

Posted in Scalped,

HaydnSpurrell HaydnSpurrell

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