When Bryan Fuller - and We - Can Start Hoping for a 'Hannibal' Return
Collider spoke with Hannibal creator and showrunner Bryan Fuller on the dormant show's potential for return, and while the cast has been released and Fuller busy on American Gods (not to mention Star Trek), the creator gives us some hope.
“The cast is game, I’m game, it’s just a matter of finding the right time where everybody’s schedules sync up, but I would love to continue to tell the story with Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen. They’re such a fantastic collaborators, and one of the most satisfying actor-showrunner relationships I’ve ever had in this industry. So I would love to continue this story.”
Hugh Dancy revealed back in January that Fuller had pitched his vision for season 4 to the actor. "It was a complete restart, without describing it — because who knows, God knows, maybe some way we may be able to do it in the future — but it took us back to the first season in a very unexpected way, and made total sense of that cliffhanger ending; it seemed justified.
"It was born out of a part of one of the books so it was still coming out of that universe, but it wasn’t the Clarice / Silence of the Lambs storyline.”
Hopefully, there's hope for Hannibal, but in the meantime we have American Gods to look forward to. Fuller has already proven his worth at adapting novel-to-television, so American Gods may well be another winner.
Source: Collider