When superhero movies go bad
Before I begin...I REALLY want to point out that I went into this movie fully intending to love it. I wanted all of the bad word of mouth to be wrong. For it to be some "conspiracy against DC movies"Unfortunately, it really WAS that bad.
Who was the casting director of this movie??
How in the world did Cara Delevingne get this role? Why didn't someone look at these scenes and say "this poor girl cannot act"?? She is gorgeous. Gorgeous does not equal actress. Sadly her abysmal lack of talent drags down every scene she's a part of. She even brings down scenes with the usually solid Viola Davis. At some point I began to feel like I was being "punked" and this couldn't be an actual cinematic production. Yes, that bad.

There was one ray of sunshine though!!
Margot Robbie. This wonderful actress jumped into the role of Harley Quinn with full abandon. She is effervescent. I would pay my $12 to go see a Margot Robbie Harley Quinn feature right this instant if I could. That will probably never happen because she will now forever be linked to this train wreck of a mess.

One last thing....
Before I wrap this up, there was one other positive. The MUSIC! The movie itself felt very much disjointed. You can feel the edits (which is never a good thing). I think the choppy nature of throwing in so many songs added to this phenomenon. But the actual music was very fun. I wish they would have been able to better incorporate this aspect of the movie.
1 star out of 5
Do yourself a favor. Listen to the overwhelmingly horrible reviews on this one. Save your money and give it a watch on DVD later!