X-Files: Fight the Future
It's beyond true OHL hockey got me through high school. Being at a hockey rink on a weekly basis and getting the most out of my passion, it released a lot of stress for me. The same thing could be said about what The X-Files did and does to me now during my college days.Even when I finished high school, I was still going through a lot. I was getting out of a relationship and I was never somebody who found themselves like I was meant during my high school days. Starting X-Files watching right after graduation, it was a show that hit me more on personal level. It might be pathetic but X-Files really has gotten me through some of my rough college freshman days.The X-Files followed around two FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovney) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) both following cases of paranormal and seeing the possibility if alien life exists. Mulder believes in these bizarre cases that they would follow up on while Scully always had questions and always seemed wanted to debunk something. In 1998, you got the first movie of the show and it's showed how massive this got during this time period. Director Rob Bowman goal for this was this to reach out to a different audience that never watched the show and the main way to do that in my eyes is through Mulder and Scully. Throughout the entire series, they have had always a unique relationship and a big bond. It's much more of the same in this film adaption. Mulder is willing to do a lot for Scully while Scully is never willing to quit on him even if the FBI wants to transfer her like in this film adaption. It's helps, even more, Duchovny and Anderson's acting is never an issue.Once you get to the plot, it has it's moments. As much as the alien story in the show, this film really wanders around with the plot and you will leave with more questions than answers once this ends. Even more so, it's non-fans will not understand the villains or the background characters like The Long Gunman. The best thing that comes out of this plot all happens in the third act and it's seems possibly a homage to the The Thing from 1982. Plot points that I wished I even saw more of. From cornfields, Antarctica, and the usual FBI office settings, it's another X-Files story that gives us such different atmosphere's that come together nicely. I'll say it's a positive film but you still got better episodes during it's eleventh year run than what we have here. A film that I think will be hard to reach to the non-fans of the series and this is so forgotten for a reason. Something only really for the die-hards of the series.