X-Men Gambit Project Selects its Next-in-Line Director
It's all been happening in the X-Men corner of the superhero stage. At least, behind the scenes that is. As Fox tries desperately to get its expanded X-Men universe onto solid ground, it seems they have found the next man to take the reigns of the Gambit spin-off.
Gambit has hit plenty of potholes along the way toward a possible production launch, including Channing Tatum nearly walking away from the title role due to creative stalling. After that, Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes) departed from the directors chair after what was later revealed to be creative differences.
From three directors in contention for the gig, it seems Fox has finally pulled Doug Liman (Edge of Tomorrow) from the hat and placed him at the head of the pack. THR reports that Liman is in final negotiations to take over the directorial role, and a role which may well be the most high-profile project of his career.
In the broader X-Men universe, Deadpool opens February 12, 2016; X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016; Gambit on October 7, 2016; Wolverine on March 3; 2017; Fantastic Four 2 on June 9, 2017; as well as an un-named film in 2018.
Source: Screenrant