Zack Snyder Cameo in 'Batman v Superman' Revealed
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice cops a lot of flack, and I'm not here to debate how much of it is warranted. Still, Zack Snyder made the film he wanted to make, I think that's clear, even if it seems there's quite a bit of executive expectation on launching a shared universe.
Whatever the case, it's now come to light that Snyder had a brief cameo in the film, the kind where, even if you don't blink, you'll still probably miss it. Cinematographer Larry Fong tweeted the reveal to a fan on Twitter, saying that "Also, it’s Zack’s hands on Bruce’s cell phone in the fight club. Now you know."
This is the sequence in which Bruce Wayne goes into an underground fight club during his investigation of Superman.. He uses his cell phone to clone someone else's cell phone, and there's a close-up of his hand on the device. That hand actually belongs to Snyder.
"1) often actors don’t want to do little tiny shots; 2) often directors LOVE to" Fong followed up on Twitter. Unsurprisingly, actors aren't often interested in being a part of these minute scenes. Snyder is clearly a very hands on director, and loves to get involved in the process, as closely as he can. It's small wonder he found this opportunity to throw his hand in.
Source: Slashfilm