Do you have any idea who I am? Steve Carell and Channing Tatum have a chat in Foxcatcher
Clip from Foxcatcher with Steve Carell and Channing Tatum.
John du Pont (Steve Carell): Do you have any idea why I asked you to come here today?
Mark Schultz (Channing Tatum): No.
No.. Well, Mark, do you have any idea who I am?
No, no..
So some rich guy calls you on the phone: I want Mark Schultz to come visit me. Why I'm a wrestling coach. And I have a deep love for the sport of wrestling. And I wanted to speak to you about your future. About what you hope to achieve. What do you hope to achieve, Mark?
Well, I wanna be the best in the world. I wanna go to worlds to win gold. I want to go to the '88 Olympics in Seoul... and win Gold.
Good. I'm proud of you.