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Academy Conversations: Foxcatcher Funny Video: Re-Imagined Trailer for 'The Fantastic Mr. Foxcatcher' Foxcatcher | Foxcatcher New Official Trailer for 'Foxcatcher' Do you have any idea who I am? Steve Carell and Channing Tatum have a chat in Foxcatcher Mark Ruffalo and Channing Tatum training in Foxcatcher Close-up of Steve Carell in Foxcatcher Steve Carell as John du Pont character poster - Foxcatcher Channing Tatum behing unimpressed Steve Carell Trailer: Foxcatcher New Poster for Foxcatcher Prix de la Mise en Scene (Best Director): Bennett Miller for Official Poster for Bennett Miller's, 'Foxcatcher' Trailer: Foxcatcher Foxcatcher emerges as the year's first Best Picture contender That would actually be Steve Carell? (and Channing Tatum) Bumping heads in Foxcatcher