Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers crossover movie is in Marvel's future plans
When Marvel announced the making of Guardians of the Galaxy, it was only a matter of time before rumours began circulating of a potential crossover with the Avengers.
In a recent interview, Guardians of the Galaxy writer/director James Gunn (who'll also direct the recently announced second Guardians movie) said he knows the plan for the eventual crossover but teased that it might not be a full compliment of team members on either side.
Gun said; "We talked about all sorts of possibilities for a crossover and I kind of know what the basic plan is. That could or could not include a couple of Avengers and a couple of Guardians meeting up, or all of the Avengers and all of the Guardians. But, we do inhabit the same universe and they’re pretty big personalities that are likely to, at some point or another, run into each other."
Gunn's words where also echoed by Guardians star Vin Diesel; "I think there’s going to be huge fans of the Guardians and there are huge fans of the Avengers and I think the discussion has already been had. I think the audience may demand something like that."
Other Guardians star Chris Pratt, had a different idea; "If you go from five characters and you add another five characters, that’s ten characters. That can be very difficult. That being said, Marvel knows their stuff. Knows there business. And I see this, rather than taking the worlds that already exist and putting them together, this opens up doors into brand new worlds. We take characters we didn’t even know existed in the four corners of the universe and we see their stories."
It's pretty clear we’re going to have a much better idea of Marvel and Gunn’s 'basic plan' after Avengers: Age of Ultron hits theatres in May next year.