Helen Mirren Says She'd Like to be in a 'Fast and Furious' Movie
Furious 7 opens this weekend and early buzz surrounding the film suggests that its one of the funnest, most action packed of the seven movies in the franchise so far.
Furious 7 has upped the ante and that lays mostly in casting. Kurt Russell, Jason Statham, Ronda Rousey and Tony Jaa are just a few of the new famous faces that join the cast for this latest instalment. Adding marquee names is one way to keep fans excited about a franchise that is seven movies old.
An eighth movie has yet to be announced, but if box office numbers are impressive do not rule it out. And that's good news for Helen Mirren who recently stated that she'd like to be a part of a Fast and Furious movie if the opportunity arose.
Mirren was talking to Yahoo Movies about her latest film, Woman in Gold, when the topic of big franchise films came up, "My great ambition is to be in a Fast and Furious movie," she said. "I so want to be a mad driver in a Fast and Furious movie. My claim to fame is I always do my own driving — I was on Top Gear, and I did my lap in a very good time. I keep putting it out there, and they never ask me. I’ll be in Fast and Furious 8. I have to say Vin Diesel is brilliant. I love Vin Diesel. He’s a great guy, smart — I love him. It’s partly because of him I’d like to be in one, but also the driving."
It would be very interesting to see the much-loved Oscar-winner pop up in a Fast and Furious movie. Given her talents, she certainly wouldn't look out of place.
Furious 7 is released in theatres on the 3rd April 2015.