She has arrived and is here to stay
DC hasn't had the best track record as of late when regarding their recent films. With the releases Man Of Steel, BVS and Suicide Squad not all hitting their marks with fans and critics, it was time to see what Gal Gadot could do with Wonder Woman. Her brief stent in BVS was memorable and one possible takeaway of the film, we were all awaiting to see how her origin story would play out. The signing of Director Patty Jenkins (Monster, Arrested Development and Netflix's The Killing) we would get a worthy director that seems to be a perfect fit for the amazonian warrior. The new addition in Chris Pine all seems but a perfect fit as Pilot Steve Trevor. Gal embraces this role and it shows in her performance. Humor, action, a slow character development, these things are what DC films lack. But in Wonder Woman we finally get a movie that slows down the pace and makes you develop a real relationship with the characters. It never felt rushed or forced that we should believe in this God's ability to save us all. But indeed we believe that she not only wants to save us but she is as much human as she is a god.