Stanley Kubrick Almost Had a Cameo in 'Tomorrowland' says Brad Bird
Brad Bird's upcoming Tomorrowland is a celebration visionaries and dreamers. Throughout the film people who fit that mold feature in the movie, such as; Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Jules Verne. The director has revealed that a certain someone almost made the final cut.
Bird was speaking to Disney Insider and he initially had plans to include a Stanley Kubrick cameo in an early scene set at the 1964 World’s Fair. "There was, briefly, a storyboarded moment where young Frank went to a part of the World’s Fair called To the Moon and Beyond," said Bird. "It was a movie that was shot in 70 mm and projected in what they called Spacearium 360 by Cinerama. And he was there watching this, which was projected on the ceiling and then he leans back and sitting next to him was Stanley Kubrick, who was also at the World’s Fair and in seeing that film, tracked down Douglas Trumbull to do the effects for 2001. So we had that and we were going to find a guy who looked like young Kubrick but that was one of those ideas, where there wasn’t enough room for it. And it’s beside the point. But the ‘64 World’s Fair had a lot of those things in it and that’s why it was such a cool idea for me."
It's a great concept and it would've been pretty cool to see Kubrick appear in the movie. Tomorrowland is released on May 22, 2015 and stars George Clooney, Britt Robertson and Hugh Laurie. The screenplay was written by Damon Lindelof and Bird, and is directed by Bird too.