'Terminator Genisys' Director Criticises the Marketing of the Movie
With its time-hopping plot line Terminator Genisys will no doubt involve twists and turns. However, the amount of plot details promotional materials have given away has left many fans a little confused. The movies director, Alan Taylor, is also disappointed by how much has been revealed.
In a recent interview, Taylor admits he fought against the big reveal, but he understands why the studio did it. "I certainly directed those scenes with the intention that no one would know," says Taylor. "One of my favorite moments – and I think Jason Clarke did a great job with it – is when he walks into the hospital in 2017 and everything from there until the turn, you’re supposed to think, Oh man, this is great."
Later, Taylor acknowledged that the marketing team had challenges of their own. "I know there was kind of a challenging calculus going on in the heads of those who market this thing to decide that this was the right thing to do," Taylor said. "I think they felt like they had to send a strong message to a very wary audience that there was something new, that this was going to new territory. They were concerned that people were misperceiving this as kind of a reboot, and none of us wanted to reboot two perfect movies by James Cameron. I think they felt they had to do something game-changing in how the film was being perceived."
Terminator Genisys is released in theatres July 1, 2015.