The first mutant has returned
X-Men: Apocalypse is the latest in the X-Men franchise. The fourth film by director Bryan Singer takes us back to where the first ever mutant was born. This movie does deliver in the means of how fun this franchise is and has been for years.
But it does have plot holes and a few questions that went unanswered. Before you continue reading, I will mention some moments from the film, so spoilers are warned. The first act was slow-paced and took some time getting used to how these characters have continued on from Days of Future Past. For one, all of a sudden we are told that Magneto has a wife and child.
I understand for the sake of developing his character that he is trying to live a normal life as Charles states. But This idea comes out of left field and at first makes you wonder were this is going. The biggest problem for me was one mutant who eventually was killed off in the movie. Havok. I don't mind characters being killed off (huge Game of Thrones fan over here) But once he died, the only character that was remotely affected was Scott. No one cared and/or was upset by his passing.
In my opinion this movie had wonderful moments but where does it rank in the franchise? Days of Future Past so far is still my favorite X-Men movie to date next to X2. X-Men: Apocalypse is the third installment of this newer franchise and will remain the third best in my book. It's a fun and entertaining movie and I would recommend fans of this franchise to still purchase a ticket.
Next on the list for the X-Men is Old Man Logan and Mr. Sinister. I just hope we get another Phoenix saga story going. We got a brief glimpse at the Phoenix during the third act. X-Men still remains to be a fun and rewarding franchise.