Top Five Home Invasion Films
To start off the month of October horror film reviews; we are going to start with The Top Five Home Invasion Films.
Let’s go ahead and break right in…

Top Five Home Invasion Films
5.) Last house on the left (2009)
This film is unlike the others on this list..
The Invaders take refuge in a nearby cabin, and get a night they were not expecting by getting served a heaping plate of revenge served cold by the parents of the girl the group assaulted earlier in the day.

4.) High Tension (2003)
This is a French film about Alex and Marie who are college friends that go and visit Alex’s parents in the French Countryside.
During the middle of the night they have an unexpected visitor who appears to be stranded Truck Driver, but is actually a serial killer.

They were not kidding with the name of this film.. It is HIGH TENSION!

3.) The Purge (2013)
Imagine America where a twelve hour period that all crime is legal.

During the Purge we are cooped up with James and his family while they ride out the next twelve hours behind their fortress.
While James’ younger son watches the surveillance cameras outside the house he hears a man begging for refuge and the son let the stranger into the home.

Obviously the stranger was being followed and these Purger's would like to have their prey. and they come bearing creepy masks as well!

2.) The Strangers (2008)
After a Wedding Reception, Our two main characters James and Kristen head to secluded country house for what was supposed to be a romantic night. However, after Kristen rejected James’ marriage proposal; our characters attempt to understand where their lives will be taking them from the current crossroads they are at…
After a couple visits from a blonde stranger knocking on the door, she creepy announces that she will “see them later’’.


1.) You're Next (2013)

This movie was intense!! and I thought it was clever with some excellent, unexpected twists!
Erin is visiting her boyfriend's family for a reunion in their countryside family house... and a group of serial killers crash the dinner party.

Plus how creepy was the invaders wearing animal masks. EEK!!

Did any of these films land in your Top Five for Home Invasion?!
Share your thoughts!
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